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Please “Speak” MY Language

August 20, 2018


officer signing I love you

It’s always a nice surprise when communities recognize the need to communicate with ALL of their citizens. Kudos to the Little Rock Police Department for taking steps to learn ASL and even make classes available to the rest of the community. This article comes from LATV news in Little Rock. In recent years the Little […]

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Deaf in the Desert

June 12, 2014


town hall Ruiz

Deaf in the Desert June 6, 2014 – Palm Desert, CA The Deaf Seniors Foundation of Palm Springs organized a ground breaking ‘Town Hall’ Meeting sponsored by U.S. Representative Raul Ruiz, M.D. THEME: “Challenges to Accessibility: Issues Affecting Members of the Deaf Community” Congressman Raul Ruiz extended an invitation to Coachella Valley professionals, educators, district […]

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Deaf Culture Timeline

March 20, 2013


Wow…..twenty five years ago! This month we are remembering the “Deaf President Now” movement at Gallaudet University in 1988. In light of this historic moment in Deaf History, it seems appropriate to look back and remember how Deaf Culture has evolved over time. Thank you to Wendy Shaner at College of The Canyons for putting […]

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Sign Languages – ASL, SEE, PSE, Cued Speech

May 16, 2012

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Advice for Service Providers When Requesting Sign Language Interpreting Services Did you know that “sign language” is not a ‘one size fits all’ language? To ensure optimal communication, it is important for service providers to question the sign language style that best fits the Deaf person. Sign Language Agencies often receive requests from service providers […]

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“Where do you Provide Sign Language Interpreting Services?”

April 11, 2012

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We get this question all the time at The Sign Language Company. Yes, we’re headquartered in Los Angeles, but after 26 years in this industry, our network is endless and extends around the globe. We sometimes collaborate with other ‘reputable and qualified’ agencies across the U.S. to locate the best talent in any particular area. […]

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What can deaf people do?

February 15, 2012


Many of us have encountered deaf  “peddlers” passing out cards with the alphabet shown in sign language. Airports, parks, restaurants….you might be approached just about anywhere. On the back, it typically reads “I am deaf and cannot work. Please help me with a financial contribution”.  Unfortunately, this leads many hearing people to actually believe that […]

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Dreams of The Deaf

February 9, 2012


So back to the questions mentioned in the earlier blog. Do deaf people hear in their dreams? Do blind people see in theirs? Before we sprint toward the answers, let take a deeper look at the questions. If you are reading this as a hearing person, think for a moment how many of “us” are […]

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Tips for working with The Deaf, ASL, and Sign Language Interpreters

February 2, 2012


Isn’t it funny how we can become so immersed in our particular industry, that we overlook how foreign our unique industry lingo and protocol can be to those working outside our arena.  The airline industry talks about ETAs and Widgets while the medical industry has terms like STAT and CRASH CART which most of us […]

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