An Interpreter’s Balancing Act: Sign language interpreters. What do they do? For those unfamiliar, it may seem pretty simple…similar to the work of foreign language interpreters. However, there are issues particular to this profession that only come to light when one looks deeper. Foreign Language Interpreters are interpreting one spoken language to another. The vast […]
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Happy New Year!
January 4, 2019
I shared my 2019 New Year’s Resolutions (I know…..I know) with a friend and she suggested I share them with others. So here we go. In an effort to promote peace of mind and overall mental, physical, and emotional health, I resolve ( I know….I know ) to: Acknowledge my inner child … still […]
How Do You Sign *Happy Holidays*?
November 27, 2018
Wow…she sure likes to read a lot! One of my early thoughts while having holiday dinners with my hearing family and one deaf sister. I give myself a break now. I was only about 7 or 8 years old and it had just become normal to see my sister get up from the table and plop […]
Anything You Can Do … I Can Do Better
February 28, 2018
Anything you can do, I can do better ……..I can do anything better than you. An old song which sometimes comes to mind when interpreters comment on another interpreter’s skills. She wore nail polish He wore a white shirt They kept surfing their phone during a team assignment She kept messing with her hair […]
Sign Language Interpreters in The Classroom
January 30, 2018
As an agency, we’re noticing a change in some of the job requests we receive, and we find it concerning. Sign language interpreters are hired for countless environments. Medical Legal Events TV and Movie sets Corporate Meetings Weddings Funerals It’s impossible to list them all. However, one area where interpreters are often needed is in […]
“…….At Least Do Not Harm Them”
June 30, 2017
From the Dalai Lama: “If you can, help others; if you cannot do that, at least do not harm them.” Just noticed a photo of Gene Simmons with the Dalai Lama…..both flashing the ILY (I love you) ASL sign. Next I saw a photo of the Pope doing the same. I’m starting to see this […]
Deaf Community
March 17, 2017
If you are connected in someway with the Deaf Community (deaf, sign language interpreter, family, friend….), then you might often find yourself wondering “What if I were deaf?” as situations arise throughout a normal day. Typical daily outings take on a new awareness. Post Office, Grocery Store, people speaking to you without first gaining your […]
Demand for Deaf Rights Often Falls on Deaf Ears
January 4, 2017
Another news story about a deaf man detained for over six weeks WITHOUT access to a sign language interpreter. Did HE know the law? Did the arresting officers know the law? How about whoever was in charge at the jail? So what exactly are deaf people entitled to when it comes to the law […]
Sound Alerts and the Deaf
May 23, 2016
In May of this year, a deaf husband and wife left their Toyota RAV 4 running in the garage of their home. Exhaust fumes entered the home resulting in the death of Wayne and Joan Flammer. This tragic loss once again led me to consider the subtle ways many hearing people take sound cues for granted […]
June 30, 2019