(excerpts from an article by Sarah Katz – Nov.7, 2019) I’ve always felt like the object of a constant tug of war between the deaf and the hearing communities. “Your whole life, they’ve been trying to take you away from me,” my father says to me, referring to the deaf community. But the deaf community […]
Tag Archives: deaf education
Deafness Across the Globe
May 31, 2019

You may be familiar with the Deaf community in the United States, but what do we know about the Deaf community around the world? Are there different forms of sign language? What about schools and services? Jamie Berke has reported on international deaf communities in countries ranging from Argentina to South Africa. Deaf people […]
Don’t Sign That!
March 6, 2019
Don’t Sign That!! Recently, after reading a conversation among sign language interpreters, I was reminded of a dramatic episode tucked away in my memory banks. Some memories stick with us long past their expiration date. In a group discussion, an interpreter asked about signing lyrics to rap songs and hip-hop songs that likely […]
How Is This Okay?
October 24, 2018

It’s been called a “disturbing trend” and sometimes it seems we are watching an ominous wave as it gradually approaches the beach. A bit of history. Back in the 1960’s, Deaf students had the choice of either navigating their way through Public / Private schools or attending a School for the Deaf. Let’s face […]
Sign Language Interpreters in The Classroom
January 30, 2018

As an agency, we’re noticing a change in some of the job requests we receive, and we find it concerning. Sign language interpreters are hired for countless environments. Medical Legal Events TV and Movie sets Corporate Meetings Weddings Funerals It’s impossible to list them all. However, one area where interpreters are often needed is in […]
Interpreting Bloopers – Lost in Translation
October 23, 2017

I recently came across a thread where sign language interpreters shared their personal “oops” moments. Voicing for speakers with heavy accents… Signing technical or classroom material… Fatigue and confusion can make for some funny bloopers. Here are some of my favorites. Names have been removed to protect the innocent. After he had been […]
STEM Camp Caters to Deaf Students
August 3, 2017

STEM = Science , Technology, Engineering, Math STEM camp caters to deaf, hard of hearing students (Georgia Center For the Deaf and Hard of Hearing) Such a great idea! Across the Atlanta metro area, science, technology, engineering and math camps for the elementary through high set have become a summer staple, with high schools, […]
Those Poor Deaf People
May 26, 2017
So I told Meredith about The Sign Language Company and how we help provide sign language interpreters …. needed to assist in communication between hearing and deaf people. Her first words were “oh….how wonderful that you help those poor deaf people”…… followed by “I can’t imagine not being able to hear music, or hear […]
NOT Disabled, just “cute” and “cuddly”
February 6, 2017

Once again, the Super Bowl has come and gone leaving millions suffering “post bowl” depression. This year, something a little different was added. While the Super Bowl brings millions of Americans in front of the TV, there’s another ratings juggernaut that each year airs at the same time as the big game, and each year […]
Deaf People Are SO Well Read
November 14, 2016

Wow…she sure likes to read a lot! One of my early thoughts while having holiday dinners with my hearing family and one deaf sister. I give myself a break now. I was only about 7 or 8 years old and it had just become normal to see my sister get up from the table and […]
November 13, 2019