You may be familiar with the Deaf community in the United States, but what do we know about the Deaf community around the world? Are there different forms of sign language? What about schools and services? Jamie Berke has reported on international deaf communities in countries ranging from Argentina to South Africa. Deaf people […]
Tag Archives: deaf schools
How Is This Okay?
October 24, 2018
It’s been called a “disturbing trend” and sometimes it seems we are watching an ominous wave as it gradually approaches the beach. A bit of history. Back in the 1960’s, Deaf students had the choice of either navigating their way through Public / Private schools or attending a School for the Deaf. Let’s face […]
Please “Speak” MY Language
August 20, 2018
It’s always a nice surprise when communities recognize the need to communicate with ALL of their citizens. Kudos to the Little Rock Police Department for taking steps to learn ASL and even make classes available to the rest of the community. This article comes from LATV news in Little Rock. In recent years the Little […]
Sign Language Interpreters in The Classroom
January 30, 2018
As an agency, we’re noticing a change in some of the job requests we receive, and we find it concerning. Sign language interpreters are hired for countless environments. Medical Legal Events TV and Movie sets Corporate Meetings Weddings Funerals It’s impossible to list them all. However, one area where interpreters are often needed is in […]
Deaf People Are SO Well Read
November 14, 2016
Wow…she sure likes to read a lot! One of my early thoughts while having holiday dinners with my hearing family and one deaf sister. I give myself a break now. I was only about 7 or 8 years old and it had just become normal to see my sister get up from the table and […]
Memories of Gallaudet
January 25, 2016
This week, Gallaudet University celebrated a new University President. Congratulations to Bobbi Cordano for this wonderful achievement! Thinking back, it made me remember my own experience at Gallaudet back in the 1970’s. Can you imagine learning Sign Language at Gallaudet University? I compare it to taking Catholicism classes at the Vatican. I spent […]
WHY Would I Want To Learn Sign Language?
November 24, 2014
Recently, I was asked this question. “Why are so many hearing people choosing to learn sign language ?” As a SODA, watching a sibling grow up with limited family interactions, diminished communications with ‘non-signing’ family members and relatives, the answer to this question seems obvious. But for those who recently find themselves growing curious, […]
How to Handicap a Deaf Person
October 21, 2014
Recently, an Amarillo school district has stirred up some controversy regarding the sign language system taught to deaf students in their district. The district is not teaching ASL, but instead is teaching the Morphemic Sign System (MSS). This system is only used in Amarillo and has many in the Deaf community ‘up in arms’ […]
Deaf Culture Timeline
March 20, 2013
Wow…..twenty five years ago! This month we are remembering the “Deaf President Now” movement at Gallaudet University in 1988. In light of this historic moment in Deaf History, it seems appropriate to look back and remember how Deaf Culture has evolved over time. Thank you to Wendy Shaner at College of The Canyons for putting […]
Oral Schools for The Deaf ~ Tasteful Memories
May 7, 2012
A Short Story: Please, Ma’am, May I NOT Have Any More? Mary Anne Pugin Warm milk, beans, and rhubarb. We got those a lot at the Lutheran School for the Deaf, an oral school in Detroit, Michigan. As an 11-year-old sixth grader, with a home and family in South Bend, Indiana, the Lutheran School was […]
May 31, 2019