Don’t Sign That!! Recently, after reading a conversation among sign language interpreters, I was reminded of a dramatic episode tucked away in my memory banks. Some memories stick with us long past their expiration date. In a group discussion, an interpreter asked about signing lyrics to rap songs and hip-hop songs that likely […]
Tag Archives: gallaudet
A Brief History of Closed Captioning
December 21, 2017
At the First National Conference on Television for the Hearing Impaired in 1971, two possible technologies for captioning television programs debuted. Both technologies displayed the captions only on specially equipped sets for deaf and hard-of-hearing viewers. Another demonstration of closed captioning followed at Gallaudet College (now Gallaudet University) on February 15, 1972. ABC and […]
Deaf Students Do Just Fine Without Interpreters
August 12, 2016
……….according to The Supreme Court in 1982. Amy Rowley’s parents hired a deaf lawyer to argue their case in front of the US Supreme Court. There are quite a few “firsts” in this landmark case setting the foundation for the system we see today. FIRST DEAF LAWYER GOES BEFORE SUPREME COURT By DENA […]
Nyle DiMarco and AG Bell and ASL
April 6, 2016
He’s 26 years old and he is apparently more than just arm candy. Nyle DiMarco is making a name for himself and people are “listening” to what he has to say. Gallaudet Graduate , America’s Next Top Model, Dancing With The Stars, Amazing blue eyes… Who wants to be the first to call […]
Memories of Gallaudet
January 25, 2016
This week, Gallaudet University celebrated a new University President. Congratulations to Bobbi Cordano for this wonderful achievement! Thinking back, it made me remember my own experience at Gallaudet back in the 1970’s. Can you imagine learning Sign Language at Gallaudet University? I compare it to taking Catholicism classes at the Vatican. I spent […]
How to Handicap a Deaf Person
October 21, 2014
Recently, an Amarillo school district has stirred up some controversy regarding the sign language system taught to deaf students in their district. The district is not teaching ASL, but instead is teaching the Morphemic Sign System (MSS). This system is only used in Amarillo and has many in the Deaf community ‘up in arms’ […]
Counselors For The Deaf
February 10, 2014
Last week, I attended a presentation offered by the Riverside County Department of Mental Health. The focus of this presentation was “Depression” and a Sign Language Interpreter was provided for those attending from the Deaf Community. The Department of Mental Health provided dinner and the first hour was devoted to dining and mingling and seeing […]
Deaf Culture Timeline
March 20, 2013
Wow…..twenty five years ago! This month we are remembering the “Deaf President Now” movement at Gallaudet University in 1988. In light of this historic moment in Deaf History, it seems appropriate to look back and remember how Deaf Culture has evolved over time. Thank you to Wendy Shaner at College of The Canyons for putting […]
Sign Languages – ASL, SEE, PSE, Cued Speech
May 16, 2012
Advice for Service Providers When Requesting Sign Language Interpreting Services Did you know that “sign language” is not a ‘one size fits all’ language? To ensure optimal communication, it is important for service providers to question the sign language style that best fits the Deaf person. Sign Language Agencies often receive requests from service providers […]
Deaf School Memories
April 25, 2012
A Short Story: Surrounded by Animals…Sort Of At our request, Mary Anne continues to stroll down memory lane………. I attended the Indiana School for the Deaf for five years – 8th grade through high school. I had hearing and deaf teachers and all of my deaf teachers had graduated from Gallaudet University […]
March 6, 2019