Tag Archives: what is asl

How’s Your ASL Baby?

April 30, 2019


baby signing

  Research indicates how teaching sign language to babies produces positive results even as they enter into their elementary school years. Although little research has been done on baby signing, the research that has been conducted is very positive (Goodwyn & Acredolo, 2000). It has been shown that baby signing can be beneficial for cognitive and emotional […]

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Please “Speak” MY Language

August 20, 2018


officer signing I love you

It’s always a nice surprise when communities recognize the need to communicate with ALL of their citizens. Kudos to the Little Rock Police Department for taking steps to learn ASL and even make classes available to the rest of the community. This article comes from LATV news in Little Rock. In recent years the Little […]

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Can You Sign “Isolation” ?

November 20, 2017

1 Comment


  Cans of cranberry sauce are lining the aisles in the grocery stores. Boxes of stuffing are multiplying next to the jars of turkey gravy. The entire store is now shades of orange and brown with fake fall leaves tucked in between every single item. Holidays are coming. Once again, I flash back to childhood […]

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Nyle DiMarco and AG Bell and ASL

April 6, 2016



    He’s 26 years old and he is apparently more than just arm candy. Nyle DiMarco is making a name for himself and people are “listening” to what he has to say. Gallaudet Graduate , America’s Next Top Model, Dancing With The Stars, Amazing blue eyes… Who wants to be the first to call […]

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WHY Would I Want To Learn Sign Language?

November 24, 2014



Recently,  I was asked this question.  “Why are so many hearing people choosing to learn sign language ?”   As a SODA, watching a sibling grow up with limited family interactions, diminished communications with ‘non-signing’ family members and relatives, the answer to this question seems obvious. But for those who recently find themselves growing curious, […]

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How to Handicap a Deaf Person

October 21, 2014



  Recently, an Amarillo school district has stirred up some controversy regarding the sign language system  taught to deaf students in their district. The district is not teaching ASL, but instead is teaching the Morphemic Sign System (MSS).  This system is only used in Amarillo and has many in the Deaf community ‘up in arms’ […]

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“Fake” Sign Language Interpreter – Nelson Mandela Memorial

December 19, 2013


Wow……I guess we should join the chorus of voices commenting on the ‘fake’ interpreter highlighted at Nelson Mandela’s memorial service. I haven’t seen this much attention focused on Deaf issues since “Deaf President Now” at Gallaudet back in 1988!  The initial rumblings began early and suddenly the story is on Page One around the world! […]

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What is the Difference Between “Hard of Hearing” and “Deaf” ?

October 7, 2013



What’s the difference between “Hard of Hearing” and “Deaf” ? In contemplating this question, it occurs to me that many labels are actually degrees on a spectrum of experience.  If you imagine that the range is from zero to ten, with zero being “no hearing whatsoever….at any time….with any device….complete silence. Then ‘ten’ would equal […]

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Deaf Culture Timeline

March 20, 2013


Wow…..twenty five years ago! This month we are remembering the “Deaf President Now” movement at Gallaudet University in 1988. In light of this historic moment in Deaf History, it seems appropriate to look back and remember how Deaf Culture has evolved over time. Thank you to Wendy Shaner at College of The Canyons for putting […]

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My Valentine

April 20, 2012


    American Sign Language is definitely a hot topic following the release of the “My Valentine” videos. One performed by Johnny Depp, another by Natalie Portman, and a third blending them together. The response to these videos has been overwhelmingly positive. The song itself is typical Paul McCartney … simple and beautiful lyrics combined […]

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