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Deaf and Driving Big Rigs

February 21, 2020


Tesla truck

A dear friend (actually sibling) takes off in her camper almost every year to travel the back roads and explore the USA. She has been deaf since the age of two. This often brings up questions. The most common? “How does she hear sirens?” or “How would she hear a horn honking?” The answer? Her […]

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AB5 and Interpreters …. seriously?

January 9, 2020


AB5 and Interpreters

California Assembly Bill 5 or AB 5 is a state statute that codifies into law a landmark Supreme Court of California case, Dynamex Operations West, Inc. vs. The Superior Court of Los Angeles County, and which holds that most workers are employees, ought to be classified as such, and the burden of proof for classifying individuals as independent contractors belongs to the hiring […]

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Don’t Sign That!

March 6, 2019


    Don’t Sign That!! Recently, after reading a conversation among sign language interpreters, I was reminded of a dramatic episode tucked away in my memory banks. Some memories stick with us long past their expiration date. In a group discussion, an interpreter asked about signing lyrics to rap songs and hip-hop songs that likely […]

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