As an agency, we often get requests from those who believe sign language interpreters probably picked up an extra class at a community college, or maybe they have a deaf relative, or thought they were mostly “volunteers”. We really should have a perfect response recorded so we can just hit the play button. […]
Tag Archives: sign language agencies
So You Want To Open Your Own Sign Language Interpreting Agency
December 3, 2015

Just think… could go to the mall and drink coffee and meet friends for lunch and take naps in the afternoon ALL while other people are working for you! So how hard could it be? Ahhhhh……sit back and relax while we reminisce over the past 4 hours….. The following names have been changed to protect…….well…….us. […]
“Fake” Sign Language Interpreter – Nelson Mandela Memorial
December 19, 2013
Wow……I guess we should join the chorus of voices commenting on the ‘fake’ interpreter highlighted at Nelson Mandela’s memorial service. I haven’t seen this much attention focused on Deaf issues since “Deaf President Now” at Gallaudet back in 1988! The initial rumblings began early and suddenly the story is on Page One around the world! […]
Award-Winning Sign Language Interpreter Recipe
August 24, 2012
There are thousands of recipes for homemade chili and stews, but every now and then you come across one that is just exactly right! All the usual basic ingredients are there, but special ingredients have been added to enhance everything else and it just makes you go “Wow”! Sign Language Interpreters are kind of like […]
Sign Languages – ASL, SEE, PSE, Cued Speech
May 16, 2012
Advice for Service Providers When Requesting Sign Language Interpreting Services Did you know that “sign language” is not a ‘one size fits all’ language? To ensure optimal communication, it is important for service providers to question the sign language style that best fits the Deaf person. Sign Language Agencies often receive requests from service providers […]
“Where do you Provide Sign Language Interpreting Services?”
April 11, 2012
We get this question all the time at The Sign Language Company. Yes, we’re headquartered in Los Angeles, but after 26 years in this industry, our network is endless and extends around the globe. We sometimes collaborate with other ‘reputable and qualified’ agencies across the U.S. to locate the best talent in any particular area. […]
A Mixed Bag of Teachers
March 30, 2012
Hearing schools vs deaf schools: Mary Anne continues to share her memories – – navigating the educational system as a deaf child in the 1950’s and 1960’s. Guest Blogger : Mary Anne Pugin I had two kinds of teachers while growing up – those who knew how to communicate with me and teach me, and […]
Tips for working with The Deaf, ASL, and Sign Language Interpreters
February 2, 2012
Isn’t it funny how we can become so immersed in our particular industry, that we overlook how foreign our unique industry lingo and protocol can be to those working outside our arena. The airline industry talks about ETAs and Widgets while the medical industry has terms like STAT and CRASH CART which most of us […]
Switched At Birth
January 3, 2012
Our agency is often recruited to participate in entertainment venues, including Television, Movies, Stage Performances, Award Shows………………etc. Recently, we’ve been assisting on the set of “Switched At Birth”…..a new series focused on communication between those in the hearing and deaf worlds. Many common issues are brought to the surface, enlightening those who have never considered […]
So You Want to be a Sign Language Interpreter?
December 29, 2011
Forwarding advice from “seasoned” interpreters can be a priceless gift to those just getting started. Like so many occupations, you just don’t know what you don’t know. As time goes by, we will be sharing tips, reflections, suggestions – – all offered by the interpreters who have been in the field long enough to […]
August 1, 2019