I shared my 2019 New Year’s Resolutions (I know…..I know) with a friend and she suggested I share them with others. So here we go. In an effort to promote peace of mind and overall mental, physical, and emotional health, I resolve ( I know….I know ) to:
- Acknowledge my inner child … still needing comfort and encouragement. Remember that everyone has an inner child.
- Research “happy news” sites and browse the positive stories to balance all of the negative news stories we are subject to every single day.
- Keep a gratitude journal … even if it’s only in my head.
- Try to find things we have in common ( as opposed to how we differ ) with those I encounter.
- Recognize when someone is talking ‘at’ me instead of ‘with’ me and learn to walk away.
- Pet as many dogs / cats / horses / all furry things as often as possible.
- Go outside at least once a day and breathe.
- Find a cause that touches my heart and support it with time and/or money
- Find a community. Book club, language, knitting, cooking, astronomy, photography …etc. Too much isolation can be unhealthy.
- Realize it’s time. Forgive yourself.
- Stop trying to convince myself that changing earlier life choices would have resulted in better circumstances.
- Avoid buying into everything I read on social media. Fact-check before reacting emotionally.
- Remember that everything written or shared on social media remains in digital form forever. There is no such thing as ‘delete’ or ‘undo’ once transmitted.
- Never forget. In work and relationships, stay only where you are valued.
- Review the best part of my day before falling asleep and then focus only on breathing.
- Understand that seeds can be planted, but will rarely change anyone’s mind to your way of thinking. It might happen later, but you will probably never know.
- Read more biographies. They highlight how much we have in common across timelines and cultures. They often demonstrate how others have overcome impossible odds.
- Pamper myself often with massage, quality food, enjoyable exercise and people who love to laugh.
- Be mindful of mother earth. Do whatever I can to honor her and keep her healthy.
- Notice when I am envying what appears to be someone else’s perfect life. There’s no such thing.
Thinking back, I recall when my list of 20 resolutions included: lose weight , lose weight, lose weight, find better paying job, and make more money.
Many issues with aging can be frustrating, but we often create a higher quality list of goals.
Still want to lose weight and make more money tho. Some things NEVER change!
January 4, 2019
deaf, mental health, resolutions, Uncategorized