On The Road Again

August 14, 2013

deaf, deaf education

MAP’s Travel Blog

Our guest blogger, Mary Anne has agreed to share her adventures with us as she travels the U.S. in her camper.  Mary Anne keeps a blog so that friends and family can keep up with her as she takes off periodically to discover back roads, other travelers and the best pizza across the country! Many of us have enjoyed her travel journal since her first trip a few years ago.

A little background…….Mary Anne graduated from Gallaudet University in 1971. She spent her career at Gallaudet, eventually leaving the Alumni Office and soon began moving toward her travel dreams. A lone, retired Deaf adventurer taking advantage of her new freedom and perpetual curiosity about what lies around the next turn in the road.

Wanna come along?  You can find her current blog here  http://rvingwithmap.blogspot.com/2013/06/its-been-two-yearssince-my-fabulous.html  and visit her archives as well.  Happy Trails MAP!  Thanks for taking us along.


About Evelyn

Evelyn Hunter is a SODA with years of experiential study in Deaf Culture. She attended Gallaudet University to immerse herself in this unique deaf world while working for the University and studying sign language to hone her skills. Evelyn has served in training, relationship sales, and marketing -- always seeking to expand awareness of Deaf Culture and the unique challenges the deaf face on a daily basis. The Sign Language Company has recently established a presence on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and a website with a blog, as Evelyn coordinates the marketing and outreach efforts for the agency. Her goal is to attract new clients seeking exceptional service, while maintaining optimal relationships with clients who have selected The Sign Language Company for over 20 years.

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